Make a catchy AlphaNovel writer’s profile

Readers do not only want to buy interesting books, they are also eager to learn more about the personality of the writer who has created their favourite stories. So, let’s talk today about your author’s profile. As it definitely influences the results of your promotion, here are a few tips how to make it an eye-candy:

Update your profile picture

It is always good to choose professional photos of yourself as a main picture. However, if you don’t want to share your real photo, the easy way is by adding a custom avatar to represent yourself. One more important thing – the quality of the image matters, so use pictures with an appropriate resolution.

Add the information about you

Take advantage of the “About me” section and use it as an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential readers. This is a great way to give them a glimpse into your personality, interests, and writing style. Do not limit yourself to one sentence. The more sincere you are, the more trust you can earn from the audience.

A well-crafted author’s profile can make a huge impact on your book’s traction and can help you connect with your readers. So don’t neglect it, take the time to edit and update your profile today!

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8 Types of Heroes in Fiction

The concept of heroes and heroines has been a central theme in storytelling. From old myths to modern literature, the same concept has been depicted in various ways, each representing different ideals and qualities that set them apart from the rest.

Meanwhile, the term ‘hero’ isn’t isolated to superheroes or epic fantasy characters. Every lead, every character in fiction can be classified under the term ‘hero’. 

Here, we will explore eight types of heroes found in fictional books that drive the plots forward and help readers connect and relate with books on a more emotional level, and even begin to root for them!

The Reluctant Hero

This is a character who is initially reluctant to take on the challenges and responsibilities of being a hero. In some cases, they are thrust into a heroic role against their will. They often doubt their abilities or feel like they’re not ready for the task at hand, thus their hesitance and resistance. However, as the story progresses, they rise to the occasion and become the hero/heroine that the story needs.

As aforementioned, a perfect example would be Adea from JP SINA’s book, “The Forbidden Alpha”. Adea’s journey can be seen as that of a reluctant hero who is thrust into a dangerous and morally complex situation, but rises to the challenge and ultimately does what’s right.

The Rebel/Anti-Hero

An anti-hero is a character in a story, who lacks traditional heroic qualities such as bravery, selflessness, and a strong moral code. Anti-heroes often have flaws and characteristics that are normally considered negative, such as being selfish, cold, or evil–however true or untrue these might be. Nonetheless, despite these flaws, anti-heroes have redeeming qualities that make them sympathetic to the audience.

Unlike traditional heroes who are often portrayed as perfect or nearly flawless, anti-heroes tend to be complex characters who are more realistic and relatable. They may be motivated by selfish desires, but they can also have moments of compassion and bravery.

Winter from “The Ruthless Alpha(You’re My Obsession)” by Omaisabella is an example of an Anti-Hero.

The Tragic Hero

The tragic hero is a character who is destined to fail or suffer a great loss. They may have noble intentions, but their flaws or mistakes ultimately lead to their downfall. Tragic heroes are often depicted as struggling against fate or insurmountable obstacles beyond their control.

An example of a tragic hero is King Alan from the “Empyreal” by Stephanie Nzekwue. Alan is a tragic hero who is deeply in love with the Unseelie King’s Consort, but their relationship is ultimately doomed as theirs is an impossible love. Despite his affection for her, he becomes responsible for her death, leading him to spend the rest of his immortal life grieving and seeking ways to bring her back.

The Classic Hero

The classic hero is the quintessential protagonist, often embodying traditional values like courage, honor, and selflessness. Perfection in a single person. Example? We have King Alexander from “The 5-time Rejected Gamma” by Stina’s Pen. These characters are often seen as archetypal romantic heroes, with their charisma, passion, and devotion to the heroines of their stories. They embody ideals of chivalry, honor, and true love that make them compelling and memorable to readers.

The Byronic / Brooding Hero

The Byronic hero is a type of anti-hero who is brooding, intelligent, and passionate. They often have a dark past or a secret that they are trying to hide, and they may struggle with inner demons. Byronic heroes are often seen as outsiders or rebels, and they can be both attractive and dangerous…and aren’t attractive, brooding and dangerous men the most alluring characters?

Lucien from Kiss Leilani’s “The Alpha King’s Hated Slave” book is a great example of a Brooding Hero.

The Everyman/Everywoman

This is a relatable character who faces relatable challenges and navigates them with resilience and determination. They may not have any special abilities, but possess a strong moral compass and a willingness to do what’s right. 

Jada Wright, the protagonist of the book “Cold Showers” by Omolade Ayisat can be classified as an Everywoman Hero.

The Romantic Hero

This is a protagonist who embodies romantic ideals like passion, emotional intensity, and individualism. They may be impulsive or rebellious, but have a strong sense of personal freedom and a desire to pursue their own desires. An example of romantic heroes include Rig Landon from Aimee Lane’s “Hunted by my Alpha”.

The Super Hero

The Superhero is a protagonist with extraordinary abilities or powers that they use to fight crime or protect the innocent. They often have a secret identity and must balance their heroic duties with their personal life.

An example of such a hero is Elaina from “Elaina the Warrior” by Eliza Selmer.

Understanding the different types of heroes in fiction can help writers create complex, compelling characters that inspire and engage readers. Most of the given examples fall on other categories of Heroes as well. The combination of characters can help develop an endearing, fascinating and unique hero that will capture the hearts of the readers in no time. Happy writing!

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5 easy tips to write dark romance

Dark Romance is a riveting and tantalizing sub-genre of romance that explores the deeper, and more sinister aspects of love and relationships between characters.

However, writing a book in this genre can be a challenging task, especially if you’re not familiar with the tone and techniques that set it apart from other romance novels.

Here are five easy tips to help you write a captivating Dark Romance novel:

Consider building a dark and brooding atmosphere/setting

The atmosphere in a Dark Romance novel should be dark, brooding, and intense. Use sensory, descriptive language and vivid imagery to construct a picture of a world that evokes the senses and will help to further lure your readers into this world you have created. This will set the tone for the entire book and keep your readers on edge as well as interested!

Develop complex characters and define their motivations

The best dark romance stories have compelling, well-developed characters. Your protagonist and antagonist should both have their own unique desires, flaws, wants and needs, which drive their actions and decisions. Understanding these motivations is crucial in creating a well-rounded, emotionally driven story and these could very well be achieved through exploring dual point of views as well.

Emphasize on the emotional journey and struggle of your characters

Dark romance is often characterized by the emotional and psychological struggles of the characters. From the moment they meet to the moment they fall in love (or fall apart), their emotions should be the driving force behind the story. Your readers should be able to connect with the characters on an emotional level, so make sure you show, don’t just tell, their emotional journey. Highlight these by delving into characters’ inner thoughts.

Explore unconventional topics

Dark Romance novels often delve into subjects such as violence, sexual obsession, power play or dynamics(could be between characters, where one is extremely dominant and the other is submissive) and psychological manipulation. Don’t be afraid to push boundaries. Explore these topics in a way that’s both authentic and non-gratuitous. 

Incorporate elements of mystery

Self explanatory. Readers find mysterious books engaging and suspense-filled. It keeps them on edge and this makes for great page-turners.

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to writing a captivating and unique Dark Romance novel that will leave your readers breathless. Just remember to focus on the characters and their emotional journeys, while also exploring the dark and brooding atmosphere that sets this genre apart. Good luck and happy writing!

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AlphaNovel launches Monthly Attendance Bonus

The long-awaited and highly anticipated Monthly Attendance Bonus is live on AlphaNovel! It’s an awesome opportunity to receive a bonus for the daily continuation of your novel.

  1. You can choose to participate in MAB while applying for an exclusive contract. Click on the MAB participate button and your story will be reviewed within 10 business days. 
  2. You can receive MAB for the first three months after signing the contract. We take into account calendar months and you need to add words within 25 days.
  3. You can track your progress with the Daily Update Calendar.

Check all the requirements that you need to meet to get MAB on the FAQ page.

❗Please, be aware that our content team will check all the novels participating in MAB with much attention. We have high requirements for MAB novels so that our readers will get the best reading experience, and writers will get fair conditions to participate. 

So don’t be upset if your application will be declined – you can always make corrections and try again. 

Stay tuned for the updates. Our team is going to tell you all the MAB details in the next posts 🔥

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Bonuses are updated!

AlphaNovel has updated writer’s account and bonuses page. From now, every writer could collect the bonus and track the progress in real-time ❤️

All writers get an access to a new interface of the income section, where you now will be able to track the progress of book earnings and bonuses in real time 🎊

In your personal account, bonuses are available to you separately for each book that you uploaded to the platform.

To receive a bonus, follow the progress – as soon as the bonus becomes available, click «claim» and withdraw the bonus.

More exciting updates are coming soon. Stay tuned 💌

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How to Write a Good Cliffhanger

If you really want to hook up the reader, learning the art of cliffhangers is a must. Leave everyone impressed and craving for more by turning the full stop into the three dots (metaphorically speaking). Read our free tips on how to end your chapter on a super thrilling note…

Make It Relevant

Imagine this: the 9/10 of a chapter is a sweet and fluffy romance, but you want to end it with a real bang… literally. Will the readers like a sudden car crash or an alien invasion as the ending? Hmm, probably not. Your cliffhanger must not be too unexpected, unless you’re writing a proper thriller. What’s more, it must make sense from the plot development viewpoint. 

Instead of throwing in something sudden and wild, try to build on what’s already there. Has your female character been offered hand and heart? Why not include an ill-timed call or text from her boyfriend’s real passion? Now, that would be a logical cliffhanger if you want to shock the audience.

Make It Sensory

Adding a good cliffhanger is enough… oh, wait, it isn’t. To really make it work, yours must contain the sensory experience of the character whose point of view you’re using. Cutting down the chapter in the middle of a scene may feel unnatural and forced. Make it all about the character and their ‘feels’ instead. 

Let’s take the same example: the character’s BF receives a text or call in the worst possible moment. Instead of simply stating facts, add in the girl’s reaction to this shocker. Did her heart drop? Did she realize he’d been a cheat? Describe her feelings when she gets ‘the news’, and voila, the readers are left impressed.

Make It Brief

Too much detail throws a cliffhanger off the cliff, so try to keep it brief and to the point. Check your ending for the things that would fit better somewhere else within the chapter. If you don’t, the banger might easily turn into a downer. 

Lengthy descriptions or a train of thought are not what make a quality cliffhanger. Be a Hemingway for once and cut down the excessive wording. A few brief sentences or phrases with a good deal of ‘feels’ are the right way to go. All else can be used before the actual cliffhanger – or in the next part of the story.

One Is Enough

…As soon as the girl learns her boyfriend is unfaithful, her long-estranged father knocks at the door. That’s two cliffhangers for one chapter – and a situation a good writer must avoid. Just like too much salt, it spoils the impression, and the readers will feel overloaded. 

First tip: leave only one cliffhanger at the chapter’s end. Second tip: tie the cliffhanger to a relevant plotline. If the girl’s father has not been even mentioned, that would be too much of a surprise – and come across as forced.

Try a Flashback

Flashbacks can shape a cliffhanger without too many gimmicks on your part. In fact, they are a perfect way to add new information that will affect the story. Writing a solid flashback may be tricky, but trust us, it will pay off splendidly. 

How would you pen one for the girl’s sad story? A simple flashback would be her recalling how the boyfriend didn’t answer calls; or skipped a date; or did something equally despicable. It’s up to you and your creative vision to make the past work for the present. A nice idea would be tying the cliffhanger to something already mentioned in the text, like the said missed calls. 

So there you have it: how to write a hit cliffhanger and make your fans count the days until the follow-up. Just don’t forget to add the chapter soon-ish, and they’ll be happy as a quokka.

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5 Writing Tips for Beginners

Being a beginner doesn’t mean you can’t write well. In many cases, all you need is simply polishing your skills. Trust us with some tips on how to bust the newbie roadblocks – and pen your first hit novel.  

1. Read, Read, Read

This may seem a bit weird – shouldn’t you focus on the writing? In fact, the more you read by others, the more well versed you become in writing styles and methods. What’s more, you won’t be missing any fresh trends in the genre. Want to go viral? Follow what the rest of the pack are doing.  

Creating is imitating, as they say, so it’s a good idea to practice writing like your favorite pros. In fact, even the most recognized authors tried this trick to level up. Your unique style always matters, but until it’s all polished and shiny, try writing like the greats. It’s fun – and it pays off.

2. Work Out a Routine

Inspiration is silver, writing routine is gold. Making money as a writer means penning thousands of words – and meeting deadlines. Your readers won’t wait months or years for an update (unless it’s Game of Thrones, but that’s another story). 

Dropping new chapters on a schedule can be quite a challenge, though. To bust this block, work out a writing routine of your own. Set up the weekdays and the hours when you’ll write – and stick to them like glue. Also make sure that nothing distracts you during this time. Writing bits and pieces in between clients or calls is less than perfect. 

3. Use Exercises and Prompts

There are thousands of these online, no worries. Join a writing community, sign up for a contest or a fest, or simply use the lists from writers’ blogs. Every event or challenge is a step closer to your dream, so make it a speedrun, and not a marathon. 

Practicing writing is much like working out. You start small and level up with each new visit to the gym. That’s why pick the challenges that fit your skills and don’t take up too much of your free time. Better not to take on something than feel guilty afterwards.

4. Write for Yourself

Some would call it the #1 writing rule, some wouldn’t. Either way, writing for the hype and cringing from your own work may easily discourage the newbies. Following the readers’ tastes or a viral trend is nothing bad, but you’re not on a big corp marketing team – and you don’t have to be. 

Instead of “fitting in”, try writing from your heart. Great chances are that what appeals to you will also click with the audience. Follow your instincts and your own sense of taste, and they will guide you to the top.

5. Be Ready for the Feedback

Let’s be honest: the “no crits” approach will get you nowhere. The Internet is a tricky place, and not every comment will mean well – or be worth reading. But without that, you may never reach your full potential as a writer. 

How do you face the critics? Simple: pick the comments that actually tell you what and how you can improve. If someone doesn’t like your style, this may be it: they just don’t like it. But if the person gives you sound advice – maybe you’re being wordy or unclear – use that as a key to the writer’s growth room. 

So that’s it! Follow these five tips – and don’t forget you’ll always have a fair chance with AlphaNovel.

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How to get approved on AlphaNovel

AlphaNovel’s editorial team works to give the authors the best writing experience and users the high quality content. To make sure that there is a perfect match between fans of romantic novels and books, our team has prepared a set of rules for writers to get approved, and also described the conditions under which a book will not be able to get on AlphaNovel.

There is a detailed guide below!

To register on the platform and apply for a contract you need to fill in all the necessary information about yourself. Red asterisks indicate the fields that must be filled out. After entering your  full name, pen name, choosing the gender and writing a little about yourself it is important to leave the links to your social media and to your published stories. When you are applying for the contract, please enter your correct data, in order to pass the KYC check. Be sure to put your Passport/ID number and your correct email address. Each book would go through the review process. If all the requirements are met, you receive contract approval and a ready-to-sign agreement. In other cases, you receive the rejection with a specified reason. If additional clarification is needed during the review, our team will connect you via the email.

Possible reject reasons

Incorrect writer details

The details that you fill in while applying for the contract will represent you as a side of the agreement and it is later used in KYC check. Consequently, it is really important to put in the correct data that matches the fields. Here is short explanation of the info that should be given in each section:

Name: your full legal first and last name which could be proved by your ID.

Passport: your ID/Passport number.

Email: email to which you have access as it is a necessary part of the contract’s signing;

Citizenship: the name of the country whose resident you are;

Address: your legal address of registration.

We sign the contract with a real person. Therefore, it is not possible to complete the signing process using your pen name or any other data that couldn’t be proved 🙂


Name: Funny Princess
Passport: 111111
Email: [email protected]
Citizenship: –
Address: USA
Name: Jennifer Rodrigez;
Passport: 0426098
Email: [email protected]
Citizenship: Spain
Address: Calle Primer de Maig, 19

Compliance criteria (KYC)

KYC verification is a mandatory procedure for identifying a person. We do this check in order to protect the platform (authors and readers) from possible fraudulent activities. This check includes all identification procedures (passport data and other data that we request at the stage of applying for a contract), as well as their analysis.

If the given data doesn’t meet the requirements, the contract would be rejected.

If there are any issues with the confirmation of your identity, our team will connect you via email to ask for additional information.

Funny Princess is filled in the contractJennifer Rodrigez signs the contract

Prohibited content

We truly believe that all genres should have a right to be published. However, some stories contain a type of the content which couldn’t be presented in annotation or chapters. Here is the examples scenes that could be rejected by our editorial team:

  • Child abuse;
  • Non-consent Sex/Rape;
  • Pornography;
  • Racism;
  • Encouragement of any kind of abuse;
  • Explicit violence.


As plagiarism we define introducing the work or ideas of other people as your own with or without their consent, by including it into your content without full acknowledgement. All types of the content are covered under this definition.

As we are eager to defend the author’s rights, we take such cases very seriously, so the application would be rejected and the novel would be deleted immediately. 

If you’ve noticed any case of plagiarism on AlphaNovel, please let us know via [email protected].

Example of reject due to plagiarism

Novel’s title, cover and annotation have a significant impact on the reader’s first impression. That’s why it is crucial to provide readers with high-quality content during the first touch.

The background of the cover should have high quality and 600×800 resolution. Placing the book’s title and author’s name on it is also a necessary part of getting an approval. Find more tips on making your cover an eye candy.

Annotation gives your readers the opportunity to dive into the plot and decide whether they want to continue their reading journey or not.

Poor editing

This reject reason could be a stumbling block not only for aspiring, but also for experienced writers. Editing influences the design of the content in the app and plays a defining role in the reader’s perception of the content. To mitigate the risks of getting the rejection make sure that your novel meets such requirements:

  • All the content is written according to English grammatical and punctuation rules;
  • The spaces between paragraphs are equal and make the book easy to read;
  • The novel consist of sentences with correct and various structure;
  • The novel contains enough synonymous constructions to make the content attractive and interesting for the reader.

Make sure that all direct speech is properly designed, the toponyms start with a capital letter and dots are there.

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3 books to read on New Year’s Eve

The New Year is almost here, but before you take out the champagne and glasses, pick a book or two for your holiday reading binge. We know it’s pretty hard with all the top-tier authors at AlphaNovel, so catch our free advice as to what you can enjoy before the clock strikes twelve…

The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Things aren’t looking too bright for Astrid at the beginning of the book. Living with her cruel stepfather and working in a diner, she doesn’t even know about her true werewolf nature. It isn’t until one day when a powerful and handsome Alpha Ryker visits the diner that she suddenly starts feeling the mate bond. Yes, there are still problems, as she’s a rogue – and has a fear of wolves because of a dramatic childhood accident. But her real life story is just about to begin… 

Why pick this novel for the holidays? If you enjoy the classic Cinderella plot, you’ll be in for a real treat, where the exciting action blends with the gripping romance. Follow the ups and downs of a maverick Luna on her way to becoming the strong and beloved leader of the pack. And by the way, this book is seriously trending on our platform as of now… 

The Alpha’s Triangle

Young warrior Zira has pretty much everything… except the most important thing: her mate. She’s waited long enough and plans to leave the pack in search of a new life after a party. This, however, doesn’t sit too well with the young Alpha, Isaiah, who feels attracted to the girl – but not enough for a mate bond. A one night stand between the two kickstarts a story full of love, drama, and twists you’ll be thrilled to follow. 

What makes this book a nice New Year’s Eve read? It’s a bold and modern-day romance that doesn’t shy away from saying “love is love” no matter the skin color or gender identity. As Zira is on the lookout for true love and family, her best friend, Isabella, gets a female mate – and couldn’t be happier about it. Stereotypes are broken, bonds are made, and you’ll spend many exciting hours with this werewolf blockbuster. 

Chasing My Rejected Wife

Fans of CEO romance, here’s your “holiday special”. The story follows a rejected wife of a wealthy businessman, left with nothing after a turbulent divorce. A few years pass, and she returns to the city as an assistant to a rich playboy boss. Naturally, she’s bound to run into her ex, now dating her stepsister, and sparks will fly between them even though they are so much at odds… 

So, why this one? The story moves at a nice pace, and there is always an exciting twist or two to keep you turning pages. Add in the tangled web of corporate and private interests, and the book will grip you right until the final countdown.

Whatever your pick is, AlphaNovel wishes you very happy holidays and a fantastic new year ahead!

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AlphaNovel broke into the TOP-20 reading apps in the US

AlphaNovel entered the TOP-20 applications in the book category in the USA among TOP Grossing and even surpassed Amazon Kindle in November.

AlphaNovel is a marketplace for romance novels and comics where both experienced and young authors can publish their books. AlphaNovel is building an ecosystem of modern publishing, where the popularity of a book is not determined by the publisher, but by the readers.

“Fifty years ago, publishing houses determined what we would read tomorrow. We allow any author – and there are millions of them around the world – to publish their book and get feedback from readers. So readers can decide for themselves which book will become a bestseller, and the author will know for sure whether his story is loved”, AlphaNovel team said. 

Every day we work on building the best ecosystem for authors to create and readers to enjoy the content. We want for every writer to have a chance to publish a story that will become a bestseller.

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