How to start with AlphaNovel (Joining & Publishing)

Hello, writer! The editorial team has specially created this guide for writers where we answer questions about our platform in detail so that your work with AlphaNovel is comfortable.

If you want to post your novels in AlphaNovel, we will be happy to help you at all stages – register, get bonuses and promote your books. Today we want to tell you how to start working with AlphaNovel.

ℹ️ Check out our guides

We are sure that you have already subscribed to our social networks and studied our website and FAQ. But we still can’t skip this point 😊

You will definitely have a million questions before you start publishing your novels on the platform and start earning. For example, what is the minimum word count for a novel, and how to get a signing bonus? Spoiler: the minimum word count is 10,000, and the information about bonuses is below.

To make the first acquaintance with our platform comfortable, we have written a detailed FAQ. Please look through it carefully, and you will find answers to most of your questions.

💶 Explore the bonus system and royalties

Names of bonuses on different platforms could sound similar, but each product may have its own rules and features. We at AlphaNovel believe that writers’ comfort is our top priority, so we have created a transparent and understandable bonus system.

For writers, we have a signing bonus and a completion bonus.

📲 Register on the platform

To start working, you need to create an account in AlphaNovel. To do this, follow the link, click “Join Us” and fill in the fields according to the instructions.

If you have already created an account, but suddenly forgot your password, you can restore it. Feel free to click “I forgot my password” and we will send you a link to reset your password by email.

📚 Upload your first book to AlphaNovel

When you have already registered, it’s time to start publishing your first novel! 🔥 In your personal account, you can upload text from your laptop. To do this, click “Create a Novel”. If you are working from mobile and cannot publish a book from your smartphone, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]!

In addition, there are many tips in your personal account. For example, we have instructions on how to upload and edit a book.

We want your novel to get to the top, and therefore we try to target the interests of readers with books. Help us learn more about your novel – before uploading the book, fill in the information about it – genre, main characters, plot, and features. The more precisely and in more detail you tell us about your book, the more often your readers will see it.

📃 Don’t forget the contract!

We have already mentioned that we have two options for writers – an exclusive and a non-exclusive contract. You can request a contract in your personal account or by contacting our support.

We offer two types of royalties and they depend on the contract type. For an exclusive contract, you can choose to either receive a 15% share of gross revenues or a 60% share of net revenue. For a non-exclusive contract, you can choose to either receive a 10% share of gross revenues or a 50% share of net revenue.

If you are signing a contract for the first time, please read it carefully and feel free to ask the support team questions. The AlphaNovel team will tell you everything you are interested in and help you deal with all the points of the contract. And before reading the document and choosing the contract type, we advise you to familiarise yourself with the topic of contracts in the FAQ.

Moreover, we plan to introduce an update to the platform for writers soon, where signing a contract will become even easier. 😎

🔥 We signed a contract, published a book… Please the reader and earn money with Alpha!

Hooray, now you are ready to win the hearts of readers! Books with 100k+ words will be added to top charts and categories, as well as exclusive books will be in our top recommendations!

Don’t stop writing and uploading new novels to the platform.

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Advice and answers from the AlphaNovel Team

AlphaNovel better reading app!

We provide a great product not only for writing, but also for reading with maximum comfort, the more comfortable the more your audience pays attention to your novels


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AlphaNovel launches new Reward Program for Writers

AlphaNovel keeps its market proposal up to date with the new Reward Program for Writers. The most significant change is an update of Net & Gross royalty share.

New royalty shares were presented following the feedback from AlphaNovel Writers. Our Support Team registered numerous requests from the authors to divide the Net & Gross share proposition.

With the new Reward Program, AlphaNovel provides flexible royalty payment types.

  • The first type is based on Gross revenue (total number of coins users have spent on the novel). It stretches from 10% to 15% for authors with Non-Exclusive & Exclusive contracts, respectively.
  • The second type is based on Net revenue (gross revenue minus marketing costs and store commissions). It reaches up to 50% and 70% for authors with Non-Exclusive & Exclusive contracts, respectively.

As for the bonuses, AlphaNovel provides the Signing bonus from $50 to $150 depending on the type of the contract (Non-Exclusive or Exclusive). You get your Signing bonus for each book you have uploaded to AlphaNovel. Just make sure that your novel is at least 30,000 words long.

The Completion Bonuses allow authors to earn up to $125 with a Non-Exclusive and up to $400 – with an Exclusive contract signed. Size of the bonus grades according to the length of your novel.

Mind that with the Non-Exclusive contract you will get the Completion Bonus only once, while Exclusive contract allows you to get Completion Bonus for every novel published.

AlphaNovel Writers are our most valuable asset. We believe they deserve every penny! That is why we keep our Reward Program above the market level.

As you grow with AlphaNovel as a famous Author, or if you already have a massive audience of loyal readers, we will offer you a special Rewarding Program, including unique royalties and promotion budgets.

Ask for more at [email protected], and stay tuned for extra bonuses and exciting contests from AlphaNovel!

More details on rates, commissions & payouts in the FAQ section for authors.

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Advice and answers from the AlphaNovel Team

AlphaNovel better reading app!

We provide a great product not only for writing, but also for reading with maximum comfort, the more comfortable the more your audience pays attention to your novels


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How to launch a Writing Career: Jessica’s story

Today every Writer has a chance to be heard and become famous. But lots of possibilities and choices make it harder for the author to find the way. How to launch your own Writing Career with AlphaNovel?

Well, an example would be helpful. So let’s make up a virtual avatar of Jessica – a passionate Writer with a desire to develop a successful career in the genre of Romance. She wants to get a bigger audience and earn from what she loves – Writing.

Here is a career scenario for you from our Virtual Writer Jessica. It could be a guide for your own career plan.

Jessica’s Story

Jessica works as an accountant and loves Romance novels – she’s a huge fan and a devoted reader. She downloads AlphaNovel Reading App and reads all the books in this genre. One day Jessica decides to write her own romance novel. After reading AlphaNovel Guides and Articles for writers, she makes up her mind: time to become an author.

Jessica creates the plot of her first book – “Total Eclipse of Forbidden Desire,” writes the first 30,000 words, registers on Writers Platform, and publishes her first chapters on AlphaNovel as a draft. Hence, it becomes available for the AlphaNovel Team but is still closed for the readers. That is a smart move – Jessica wants to settle all the legal and financial matters before going to the public.

Then, she applies for an Exclusive contract just by pressing a button on her AlphaNovel personal account. It is an excellent choice since an Exclusive contract provides her with the highest bonuses and royalties on the market.

AlphaNovel Writers’ Support Team proofreads Jessica’s novel, running exclusivity, plagiarism, and quality check. In 3 working days maximum, Jessica gets approval for her “Total Eclipse of Forbidden Desire” and receives a message in her personal account with a signed Exclusive contract.

After signing the contract from her side, Jessica automatically receives a $150 Signing Bonus for her 30,000 words and the opportunity to receive a royalty from her book readings. She can now track all her income & payment statistics in her personal account on AlphaNovel.

Now it is time for Jessica to open her novel to the world. Being a smart and ambitious writer, Jessica puts a paywall on the 3rd chapter of her “Total Eclipse of Forbidden Desire” – just where the first dramatic plot twist is placed.

Readers worldwide start to pay to read her novel, and when her royalties top $75 (that is 50% of her Signing bonus), Jessica can transfer her earnings via PayPal – she gets her first $225 with AlphaNovel!

It is time to celebrate, but we remember that Jessica is both passionate & smart. So she works hard to finish her novel, using feedback from her readers – she posted the first two free chapters of her book on the AlphaNovel subreddit and got plenty of helpful comments & pieces of advice on how to improve her novel.

Jessica publishes new chapters of her book weekly, promoting her book on social media. Soon her audience on the AlphaNovel reading app reaches thousands of readers worldwide, so AlphaNovel promotes her book inside the Reading App and through digital channels on a special promo budget of $500. The number of Jessica’s readers skyrocketed.

Jessica completes her book in a few weeks, which now is more than 250,000 words, and applies for the Completion Bonus. After a short review, AlphaNovel Writers Support Team grants her a $400 Completion Bonus. Together with a $750 royalty earnings, Jessica’s total income from “Total Eclipse of Forbidden Desire,” exclusively published on AlphaNovel, has already reached $1375! Way to go, Jessica!

After a few months, Jessica has already gained wide popularity through the AlphaNovel Reading App. Every week she checks out her income status in her personal account on the Writers Platform and regularly transfers royalties to her card via PayPal.

Now she has loyal readers in Britain, the United States, Germany, and France. They are expecting new books from her, and Jessica is already writing two new novels exclusively for AlphaNovel: “Total Rise of Forbidden Desire” & “Total Joy of Forbidden Desire.”

Having a great success story with her first exclusive book, AlphaNovel proposes to Jessica a special contract with higher bonuses and royalties as well as an exclusive $10,000 promo budget. Now Jessica gets close to her dream – becoming a Global Writing Star!

Your scenario may be different from Jessica’s, but you sure can be just as successful as she is. Feel free to ask questions and get advice on [email protected] or on our Facebook page and our subreddit. Also, check our Blog and Medium for writing tips & inspiration.

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Advice and answers from the AlphaNovel Team

AlphaNovel better reading app!

We provide a great product not only for writing, but also for reading with maximum comfort, the more comfortable the more your audience pays attention to your novels


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Writer benefits. Five reasons to choose AlphaNovel

AlphaNovel is the best place for writers to get published and earn from their work. Whether you are a beginner or already a well-known fiction writer, you can be sure you get the best deal in the publishing market.

Here are five important reasons to join AlphaNovel Writers’ Platform right now.

1. The easiest way to publish.

With AlphaNovel, you get an easy-to-use interface for authors. A clear and simple design allows you to navigate smoothly through the publishing process. Track your statistics, check your income, withdraw your earnings & get support from your personal account. Upload & edit your book with a click.

Just a couple of hours – and your novel is available on the AlphaNovel reading App for free! Ready to play big? Let’s sign a contract and start growing together!

2. Editorial support.

Our Editor’s team works 24/7, so you can count on their support all the way from the registration to uploading, editing, and completing your book. Is it a book cover, a novel title, or a plot switch – be free to ask our editors for help and advice.

The success of our writers is of the highest priority for AlphaNovel since the publishing of outstanding books is the cornerstone of our reading app, with thousands of fans worldwide.

3. Rates above the market.

We offer authors the best conditions for digital publishing. Our Signing Bonus is up to $150, and the Completion Bonus is up to $400. They are available for all the authors with the contract, which can be signed from your personal account. With the Net royalties ranging from 50% to 60%, AlphaNovel is the best proposition in the market. Check the details of our new Reward Programm for Writers.

Calculations of your payments are stored and updated in your personal account on the Writers Platform. Find more details on payments in the FAQ section for authors.

4. The best tools for promotion.

AlphaNovel reading app is specifically designed for the best presentation of books so that all the readers find what they love. That gives the authors numerous tools for promotion. Top weekly novels, Top trending, Top new, Thematic selections, etc., allow you to exhibit your books in the best way possible.

As a data-driven digital publishing house, AlphaNovel understands the enormous power of social media and online advertising. That is why we offer our Best New Authors a special +$500 budget for promotions on the most influential media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

If your novel performs really well with an additional promo budget, we will provide you with the special terms, rates, and budgets to become a new Global Writing Star. A special promotion budget can be raised up to $10,000 and even higher. Find more details on promotion in the FAQ section for authors.

5. Customized support 24/7.

We empower our Writers. AlphaNovel pays a lot of attention to providing support to the authors. And to making this support truly 24/7 – AlphaNovel operates in all developed markets of the world, in several time zones, and on all continents.

The Writers Platform, the sole center of management and interaction with authors, is constantly updated. The latest update included an updated interface, simplified navigation, and an updated FAQ section that was based on feedback from AlphaNovel authors.

Check out our Blog and Medium for guides, updates, and inspiration. You can ask for support by e-mail or directly from your personal account on Writers Platform. Take full advantage of the Writers Platform right now.

Have more questions?

Advice and answers from the AlphaNovel Team

AlphaNovel better reading app!

We provide a great product not only for writing, but also for reading with maximum comfort, the more comfortable the more your audience pays attention to your novels


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