New promotional opportunities!

We are constantly increasing our readership base and creating new logics and sections to let the novels of different genres, sizes, etc. shine bright and attract the readers. However, the spots are limited, so all the novels couldn’t be promoted at the same time.

Also, the readers have their preferences, so some tropes would be extremely popular on the platform, and others would receive less attention, which could be a frustrating thing. As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our authors, we are expanding the number of slots available for promotional opportunities! 

We are delighted to introduce two new sections on AlphaNovel — Popular Author and New Authors. These dedicated sections are designed to highlight the exceptional talent of our authors and provide more promotional spots for you. 

✨ Popular Author Section:

This section is exclusively dedicated to showcasing our esteemed authors ambassadors. It serves as a celebration of your outstanding contributions and provides readers with easy access to your exceptional novels.

🆕 New Authors Section:

We understand the importance of supporting emerging talent and fostering an environment of growth. Our New Authors section is specifically curated to showcase the works of talented writers who have recently joined AlphaNovel.

This means more novels will have the spot and a chance to shine. We value your feedback and strive to provide you with a seamless and effective experience😊

Make sure that your author’s profile is updated with the relevant info and the avatar, so the readers would have a chance to get acquainted with you and your fabulous works!

Thank you for choosing AlphaNovel!

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