Hello, writer! The editorial team has specially created this guide for writers where we answer questions about our platform in detail so that your work with AlphaNovel is comfortable.
If you want to post your novels in AlphaNovel, we will be happy to help you at all stages – register, get bonuses and promote your books. Today we want to tell you how to start working with AlphaNovel.
ℹ️ Check out our guides
We are sure that you have already subscribed to our social networks and studied our website and FAQ. But we still can’t skip this point 😊
You will definitely have a million questions before you start publishing your novels on the platform and start earning. For example, what is the minimum word count for a novel, and how to get a signing bonus? Spoiler: the minimum word count is 10,000, and the information about bonuses is below.
To make the first acquaintance with our platform comfortable, we have written a detailed FAQ. Please look through it carefully, and you will find answers to most of your questions.
💶 Explore the bonus system and royalties
Names of bonuses on different platforms could sound similar, but each product may have its own rules and features. We at AlphaNovel believe that writers’ comfort is our top priority, so we have created a transparent and understandable bonus system.
For writers, we have a signing bonus and a completion bonus.

📲 Register on the platform
To start working, you need to create an account in AlphaNovel. To do this, follow the link, click “Join Us” and fill in the fields according to the instructions.
If you have already created an account, but suddenly forgot your password, you can restore it. Feel free to click “I forgot my password” and we will send you a link to reset your password by email.
📚 Upload your first book to AlphaNovel
When you have already registered, it’s time to start publishing your first novel! 🔥 In your personal account, you can upload text from your laptop. To do this, click “Create a Novel”. If you are working from mobile and cannot publish a book from your smartphone, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]!
In addition, there are many tips in your personal account. For example, we have instructions on how to upload and edit a book.
We want your novel to get to the top, and therefore we try to target the interests of readers with books. Help us learn more about your novel – before uploading the book, fill in the information about it – genre, main characters, plot, and features. The more precisely and in more detail you tell us about your book, the more often your readers will see it.
📃 Don’t forget the contract!
We have already mentioned that we have two options for writers – an exclusive and a non-exclusive contract. You can request a contract in your personal account or by contacting our support.
We offer two types of royalties and they depend on the contract type. For an exclusive contract, you can choose to either receive a 15% share of gross revenues or a 60% share of net revenue. For a non-exclusive contract, you can choose to either receive a 10% share of gross revenues or a 50% share of net revenue.
If you are signing a contract for the first time, please read it carefully and feel free to ask the support team questions. The AlphaNovel team will tell you everything you are interested in and help you deal with all the points of the contract. And before reading the document and choosing the contract type, we advise you to familiarise yourself with the topic of contracts in the FAQ.
Moreover, we plan to introduce an update to the platform for writers soon, where signing a contract will become even easier. 😎
🔥 We signed a contract, published a book… Please the reader and earn money with Alpha!
Hooray, now you are ready to win the hearts of readers! Books with 100k+ words will be added to top charts and categories, as well as exclusive books will be in our top recommendations!
Don’t stop writing and uploading new novels to the platform.